Webinar Trends to Watch for an Explosive 2023

Jennie Lyon
5 min readNov 15, 2022

In today’s chaotic and crowded world, it is imperative to have an effective webinar strategy.

Webinars will continue to have a place in marketing campaigns over the next decade, but only if you stay on top of what works now and what doesn’t. Let’s take a look at some key trends we expect to see more of next year.

But the question I often hear around the water cooler is if webinars will still be all the rave in 2023. In short, the answer is yes — let’s look at a few quick stats:

  • The webinar market is projected to reach $800 million by 2023
  • Webinars are cost-effective as they help lower the cost-per-lead
  • Live webinars convert higher than evergreen due to immediate/real-time engagement

Webinars Will Become More Personalized to Better Connect With the Audience

The rise of AI will drive personalized webinars, which are more effective than evergreen content. Personalized webinars create a deeper connection between your brand and its customers by providing relevant information to their specific needs.

With AI, you can gather all kinds of data from users (location, demographics, interests) and tailor your messaging in real time during live or recorded webinars. You can even run A/B tests on different versions of the same webinar to see which performs better overall!

More Organizations Will Leverage Interactive Elements in a Webinar

In the past, webinars were mostly just a presentation with Q&A. But now, you are more likely to incorporate interactive elements into your webinars and use them as a way to engage users in real-time and collect feedback. This can be done through polls, surveys, quizzes, or an audience response system like ClickToPoll, where participants can answer questions via text message or mobile apps. You can kick it up a notch if you have a co-presenter and use breakout rooms for themed group sessions or presentations with JV partners.


Resource: The Ultimate Webinar Launch Planner — Webinars are one of the best ways to expand your already existing audience while also positioning yourself as an expert in your field. Correctly written, they can be used to upsell your other products by giving people a taste of what you have to offer.

Webinars Will Incorporate Live Dialogue

The live interaction between a presenter and the audience is what makes webinars so powerful. Q&A still has its place in today’s webinar — you can use live Q&A to collect feedback and answer questions. Also, you could use it to show how a product works and holds live testimonial sessions. This gets people excited about your offering, builds credibility and trust with the audience, and keeps them engaged.

Webinars Will Integrate With Paid Advertising Channels

Webinars are great for lead generation and work best when integrated with other paid advertising channels. For example, if you’re running an ad campaign on Facebook or Google Ads, you could use it as an opportunity to send people to a webinar. You can also use webinars to complement your email marketing strategy by sending out an email invitation with links and promo codes.

Pro Tip: Keep your webinar focused. Keep the duration short and to the point. You don’t want people leaving your webinar feeling like they’ve wasted their time, money, or your money on the ad spend for unaligned leads.

The Quality of Webinars Will Improve

With the rise of live video and social media, webinars are becoming increasingly popular. Companies are using them to offer information that isn’t necessarily useful in a blog post (such as more detailed product demonstrations) or cannot be communicated in a short email newsletter. With the right combination of software and services, you can create an engaging experience for your audience that will help get them interested in your brand.

Pro Tip: Use a countdown timer to keep your audience engaged. If you want people to stick around until the end of your webinar, use a countdown timer as an incentive. Give them something valuable, like an exclusive giveaway or discount code that expires when the timer hits zero.

The trend of growth in webinars can only go up in the future. The days of live webinars and half-hearted ‘buzz’ pitches are gone. Webinars are here to stay — and they’re only going to get more popular in the coming years. More online tools and platforms will likely emerge to make the experience more fluid and streamlined, and there will likely be new ways to integrate webinars into your overall online marketing strategy. We are keeping our eye on this trend, and you should too.

So What Did We Learn?

  • Webinars will become more personalized to better connect with the audience.
  • More organizations will leverage interactive elements in a webinar to boost conversions.
  • Webinars will incorporate live dialogue to create a more engaging experience for attendees with you, your co-host, or JV partners.
  • Webinars will integrate with paid advertising channels to attract new audiences and increase registrations more authentically.
  • The quality of webinars will improve as brands move away from free software and towards paid solutions that offer high-quality products and more engagement options.

Your business must know webinar strategies and trends for 2023 to create a powerful webinar strategy to boost your marketing strategy. Let us set you up for success and confidently launch your next webinar. Schedule a free consult today.

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